Saturday, April 10, 2021

Sticker Art!

I’ve got quite the selection of stickers in my shop - all but two are holographic .  Which one is your favorite?

If you want to find that favorite in your mailbox on Wednesday, click here.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Fox Painting

Another FOX?!  YES!  I named him Wind Runner.  I love them!  I’ll post more pics of him tonight but in the meantime I have bunches of photos on my website:

Friday, February 19, 2021

Winter Landscapes

We’ve been in survival mode for so long since we’ve been FREEZING OUR BUTTS OFF that last night I just had to move some paint around.  Working with my mood I painted these tiny, cold landscapes. 

This morning as I walked past my studio the first sun of the week streamed in and arrested me with this beautiful image of the shadows playing across my desk. 💙 
These tiny pieces are 94% finished.  Only minor focal points to complete them. #texascold #wemightactuallylivenow 

Father, we thank You for your sheltering wings.  Please protect those who are still without power and water and we THANK you for warmer days to come.  AMEN.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Sticker Art

Who do you know that you could make really happy with a few stickers?  New holographic stickers here!  And what better painting to use for them than this adorable cat?  This is from one of my most popular paintings.  You can find them in my store now at:

My original painting is about 12 inches square and pretty darn cute
I put the above one with those little hole stickers for size.
Pretty much love these.
Into each life some holographic stickers should definitely fall.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Sold Fox Painting

Well, that didn’t take long; the inks barely dried!  I think I struck a chord with foxes.  🧡🧡 I think that this, my ‘Electric Fox’ is the perfect blend between reality and whimsey.  I love him!

Friday, January 8, 2021

New Art - First of 2021!

A new painting - my first painting of this new year.  What could it be?  Can you tell what it is?  More tonight.  Just popped it on my website if you can’t stand the wait. is my website for your perusing pleasure. :)

In a bit I’m going to post more pics so stay tuned!  What do you think soo far?

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Suburban Landscape II

New work! This is Suburban Landscape II, one of three I have in this stunning series so far. They’re all 8”x10” and ‘groovily’ colorful. 💜 Find them at:
These come in clear, acrylic sleeves for shipment and display, or you can frame them as you would any other watercolor.  See my previous post, a video, showing the color shifty goodness. ♥️

Oooooohhhh, I love how these change with light and angle.
So pretty and sparkly!