Saturday, January 9, 2016

An Artist's Studio

I've always loved looking at artists' studios. Here's a little tour of a packed corner of my own. Let's see... what have we here? Let's start from the top left, just like the good English readers that we are.

Far left is my bulletin board.  It's always plastered, three-deep with stuff.  You see a license plate - that's an old plate I got in Cuba on one of my trips BEFORE the country was opened up to us.  That's another story altogether!

Above the plate you see a partial rainbow... that's what an artist does to conceal picture hanging-holes-that-went-awry! :)

My tiger painting, which I named Circus for all his great, wild colors.  Top right is a beauty I did of a nest with glowing eggs.  I named it 'Safe.'

Below that, a quick self-portrait with exaggerated features celebrating my new pair of gold hoops.  I try to do self portraits at least a couple a year... most of them are like this one, with maybe an hour or less of work invested. 

An experimental painting of pears which I love behind the lamp.

My rack o' finished, unfinished and drying paintings, mat board, etc.

In the foreground on the right side you see a green and blue, uh... cloth... uh... vine?  Whatever you want to call it, I've enjoyed it a lot.  It represents the time I was in charge of sets for Peter Pan.  This represents one of many huge vines we made to hang in the jungle on stage.  It also represents about 15 kids sitting in my living room putting them together.  Fun.

At the bottom, supplies and books of every sort that are in line for attention within about a two week period.  These piles continually vary.

Oh, and most important - the partial furry ball!  My beauty and companion, Calypso, on her 'bed,' a simple quilted circle.

Life is good.

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