Monday, January 4, 2016

The Good things in Life

I haven't posted in a while; pretty much feel like I've dropped off the edge of the earth into an unreal, clinical and slightly darkened, fuzzy world, into which I have been forced to establish my temporary home.

My parents are 90 and 94.  We've lived a long, good life together, full of adventure, and love and caring.  It's really difficult watching them get old and feeble, and we're continually stepping up their care as they say goodbye to things they've done all their lives.

My dad just got out of the hospital with pneumonia, and it was a long haul.

Spending five days in the hospital with my dad has really given me pause to contemplate the good things in life. What are they? Well, I still maintain that coffee, tea, garlic, butter and sugar are GOOD things! You have no idea how good this cup o' coffee Gary made our of my OWN mug tastes this morning after all that institutionalised coffee (yuck!)

But seriously, taking a walk with my husband. Chatting with my daughter. Losing yet another game of cards with Noah Johnson, asking Grant to help me with yet another computer problem, the preciousness of the many years we've enjoyed my parents, and most of all, Jesus, who gave us the freedom in Him to walk this life without fear. Thank you, Lord, for our family and for the many simple things in our lives that make us rich.

The good things in life.

Oh! And popcorn!

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