Sunday, March 22, 2015


If you looked at the previous post, you would see sitting on my desk this picture.  I thought I'd give you a close up of it.
This is my boy!  We were doing what you do when you go to Walmart - trying on hats! 

My first step was to lay down the ink.  When I draw people, I generally skip the pencil step and just jump on in with the non-erasable stuff.

Once I had the design laid out I went to the watercolors.  My style, as you can see, is not a color within the lines type of style.  If so, I would take photographs and not paint.

The most time-consuming portion of this painting was definitely laying down the drawing.  It took me only a few minutes to lay in all the paint, wet and wild.  Then came the wait time - had to let it dry overnight.  Once I was at that point, I took in a fine brush for just a few details.  I think I'll call this one 'Noah.'

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