Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Self Portrait, Part Five (see previous posts for others)

All right, could it be that we have only four books to go? This is the continuation of my self portrait.  I have chosen this little company of books to represent myself; they are a distillation of the, oh, I don’t know... 1,000, 2,000? books in our home.

Again, here’s the picture:

We’ve done all the books in my previous July, 2018 posts, and now have only the four standing on the left to finish us up.

The Art of Peter Max.  I LOVE Peter Max! His fresh vibrancy in everything he does inspires me.  And, did you know that one of the artists that formed and inspired him was actually Bouguereau? Go figure, huh? Kind of funny, because his work is nothing like Bouguereau, nor is mine, but he can inspire us all.  And a nod to you, Peter, for being reliably bright and fun.

Next to that is The Creators by Daniel Boorstin.  If you haven’t read any Boorstin, ANYTHING he has written is worthy! His history is fabulous and I also love his American history.  THIS book, however, has well moved in and secured its place in our home.  For one thing, this is my second copy as I completely wore out my other copy and finally threw it away in about 20 pieces. It’s just a beautiful and informative book about creators.  All kinds of creators through history: musicians, writers, sculptors, inventors, painters.  Love it!

Although is a descriptive self portrait created with BOOKS, there’s something else in this picture worthy of mention.  You see these books surrounded by mark makers (in lots of colors), two of my paintings, and a glorious outside garden.  These three are a very apt part of my portrait.

All right! Two books down, two to go!  You will see me finish up my self portrait in my next installation, part six!  See you then. ;)

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